
Last updated April 2022

Peer-reviewed journals

[2021] Increased visual and cognitive demands emphasize the importance of meeting visual needs at all distances while driving

Patoine A, Mikula L, Mejía-Romero S, Chaumillon R, Michaels J, Keruzoré O, Bernardin D, Faubert J

PLoS ONE, 16(3): e0247254. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0247254 [Preprint]

[2021] Movement drift in optic ataxia reveals deficits in hand state estimation in oculocentric coordinates

Mikula L, Blohm G, Koun É, Khan AZ, Pisella L

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47(5), 635-647. DOI: 10.1037/xhp0000901

[2020] Eye-head coordination and dynamic visual scanning as indicators of visuo-cognitive demands in driving simulator

Mikula L, Mejía-Romero S, Chaumillon R, Patoine A, Lugo E, Bernardin D, Faubert J

PLoS ONE, 15(12): e0240201. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0240201 [Preprint]

[2018] Spatial and temporal dynamics of pre-saccadic attentional facilitation before pro- and anti-saccades

Mikula L, Jacob M, Tran T, Pisella L, Khan AZ

Journal of Vision, 18(11), 1–16. DOI: 10.1167/18.11.2

[2018] Vibrotactile information improves proprioceptive reaching target localization

Mikula L, Sahnoun S, Blohm G, Pisella L, Khan AZ

PLoS ONE, 13(7): e0199627. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199627

[2018] Learned rather than online relative weighting of visual-proprioceptive sensory cues

Mikula L, Gaveau V, Pisella L, Khan AZ, Blohm G

Journal of Neurophysiology, 119(5), 1981-1992. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00338.2017

Under review

Rapid motor adaptation to bounce perturbations in online Pong game is independent from the visual tilt of the bouncing surface

Mikula L, 't Hart BM, Henriques DYP


PhD dissertation

[2018] Intégration multisensorielle pour les mouvements de pointage chez les sujets sains et les patients avec ataxie optique

Mikula L

Under the supervision of Laure Pisella & Aarlenne Khan